"How we could be useful to you"
We strive to make this world a little bit brighter by contributing to the art of digital graphics and sharing our creativity with you!
"Golden mean"
How it works
Our main task in the workflow is to find the "golden mean" between artistic techniques and technical skill. While working on a project, we adhere to the special approaches, goals and objectives. We would like to familiarize you with the main stages of our work so you can immerse into the creative atmosphere of our activity!
1. Receiving necessary data & Discussing project details
We receive all the necessary documentation about the project. Next, we discuss the possible deadlines for the project and the work schedule. If necessary, we can request missing files to get started, if any.
2. Image development & Getting the feedback
At the stage of first previews a scene is created, "filled" with furniture, preliminary textures are adjusted, light is set taking into account the wishes of the client. At each stage the images are sent to the client for approval. After the client has reviewed the renders, the stages of making adjustments to the project take place by the date indicated at the beginnig of the project.
3. Pre-final image & Getting the feedback
The stage of final adjustments takes place, minimal adjustments are made, if any, and the images are "sent" to the final render.
4. Post-processing stage & Final delivery
All views are post-processed. At this stage, minor flaws are eliminated and the images are finished. At the end of all stages, the client receives the final product — finished images.
"Fill out this section with us"
Visualization - Realization
We pay great attention to each project and try to visualise each of your ideas as realistic as it is possible.
MUME Restaurant
Golden Vision Studio (3D renderings)
MUME Restaurant
Hot Desing Folks (Design / Realisation)
MUME Restaurant
Golden Vision Studio (3D renderings)
MUME Restaurant
Hot Design Folks (Design / Realisation)
MUME Restaurant
Golden Vision Studio (3D renderings)
MUME Restaurant
Hot Desing Folks (Design / Realisation)